Wednesday, June 2, 2010

International School Library Month

The International School Library month is October. The theme for the month is "Diversity.Challenge. Resilience: School Libraries Have it All ...".

Maru-A-Pula school will be commemorating the month in October during the Library Week.
Participation by all Departments will be extremely welcome. Students can expect quizzes, prizes, doughnuts and more..!!

We're awaiting staff and student stuggestions for more Library Week activities, so if you have an activity you're dying to introduce us to, stop by the library and inform us.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Friends of the Library (Maru a Pula School)

Friends of Maru a Pula Library are always ready to offer a helping hand. They visit the Library frequently to check out books, suggest titles and to help in book processing. They were in the team that recently attended a booksale at Exclusive Books Botswana. After books were selected and purchased for the library, they couldn't resist helping in processing them and getting them ready for circulation. Processing of the books included date stamping, barcoding, striping them for sercurity and spine labeling. They were keen to read several books that were aquired and they went on to recommend them to others.